Hope Dies Last, Eastern Europe

Today, there are over a million women working in prostitution in Europe. Many are trafficked from Central or Eastern Europe and are stigmatized, isolated and trapped. “Hope Dies Last” is a ministry that reaches them with hope, love and the resources they desperately need. They created and printed a pocket-sized resource in six languages called the Book of Love. It is distributed in red-light districts across the continent and contains the Gospel of John, testimonies, artwork, a hotline number and human rights information.
Anya* had shut down her emotions in order to cope with the abuse and violence of her trafficking situation. She could only tell parts of her story but when she received the book, she said “this is a special book… the words speak deeply to my heart.”
- Join us in praying for a decrease in demand for paid sexual services and hope for men struggling in this area.
- For the ministry as it goes through the process of creating and distributing the Book of Love in Russian.
- That the books would touch the hearts of the women and men who receive them.