Knowledge Is Power

In Arusha in February I was teaching the Healthcare module. Quite honestly I had already decided that in the big curriculum update we are in the middle of working on, we would ax some of this material. But I started to go through the basics of nutrition, going quickly through the major food groups, essential…

Hope is a Hospital

Many years ago I read an article that stuck with me. It stated that the greatest danger facing a woman in Afghanistan is to get pregnant. This fact shook me. Yet, our experience in East Africa confirms this, 87% of global maternal deaths occur in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.   Edward, who oversees the Engikaret…

Hope For Sumaya

In the 1980’s there was a popular Paul Simon song, “Graceland” and from that song the Ugandan training location, Hopeland was named. At that stage, Uganda was recovering from a war that was devastating to the entire nation, after which came the HIV Aids epidemic, bringing with it even more destruction.  It was in this…

Truth Sets Communities Free

Stories give us glimpses into the reality of life and the power of a human being to change.  At the end of each quarter, we evaluate our ongoing training in East and Southern Africa and analyze its impact.  What is the role of capacity-building in a community? Who are the critical community influencers (gatekeepers) who…