SUSTAINABLE social change comes through investing in LOCAL people working with the most VULNERABLE in their COMMUNITIES

Here’s how:

We work in hope and interdependence

Loom identifies key change-agents—Local Experts—already impacting the vulnerable in their communities. More often than not, they are strong influencers working with very few resources and limited networks. We listen to them and learn what they need to be sustainable in the long-run, growing their capacity, connecting them with training and relationships for success. We call this acceleration.

Loom’s Celebrating Children Workshop is an important tool for connection. We run a four-week training program for local caregivers who work with children at risk, focusing on God’s intentions for the child and family. During this four-week intensive training, we connect with many Local Experts, listen to their stories, learn about their ministries—the successes and the challenges—and identify key change-makers impacting their communities.

Protecting children means stronger communities.

Loom works from the conviction that when the smallest and weakest in society are cared for, everyone benefits. In every country and community, that is the child.

Child well-being and development is the foundation for community and economic development, as capable children become the foundation for a healthy, prosperous and sustainable community. It is our belief that everyone from the Global Church, Governments, International Corporations, NGO’s, the community, the church and families are responsible to acknowledge and work toward each child thriving.

When we invest wisely in children and families, the following generation will contribute much more through their healthy and productive lives. Local Experts are starting schools, clinics, school sponsorship, after-school programs, parenting classes, vocational schools and social enterprise. Loom accelerates these local leaders to expand their impact and work towards sustainable change in which everyone can thrive.

Local Experts work with integrity and passion, bringing hope and change in their community—the place they know best. What they lack are resources, training and relationships with people who believe in them and give them tools to succeed on a much bigger scale.

Loom has identified the biggest roadblocks to success are:

  • a lack of training
  • a lack of financial sustainability
  • a lack of access to reliable infrastructure, such as energy, water, or clinics. 

To address these problems, Loom offers tailor-made solutions through capacity building and connections.

Why Connections?

Why are connections important? Take for example, a Local Expert starting a school for at-risk children, offering them the hope of an education. Before they know it, 40+ children are crammed on the floor in a tiny room. This is not sustainable and often, the conditions lead to disillusionment in Local Experts and children not receiving the quality education they need. 

We here at Loom cannot build a new classroom. We are not solar energy or job creation experts. But we do have access to people who are and can provide that much-needed connection for sustainable change. Whether it is through our own tools, or training in cooperation with other organizations, we will research and do the work to offer the Local Expert the right resources for their specific situation.

Why capacity-building?

Loom is convinced that the Local Expert knows more about their own context than we do. We accelerate them, because we believe in their ability to transform their community in lasting ways. Our greatest hope is that they have everything they need to successfully work without us. That is the heart of capacity-building. 

As our name suggests, we work internationally with Local Experts, resource people and investors all over the world.

In the next 5-7 years our strategic focus is investing in East Africa. Most of our thinking, planning, funding and relationship effort is going into strengthening the Local Experts here so that they can see a greater result from their efforts:


  • a greater number of children in schools
  • a greater number of children experiencing quality healthcare
  • a greater number of people with jobs and a living wage
  • more lay-social workers tracking with children and families
  • more churches actively involved with the vulnerable in their community.

Our belief is that these Local Experts will continue to transform their community without us.


Loom’s Celebrating Children Workshop is an important tool for connection. We run a four-week training program for local caregivers who work with children at risk, focusing on God’s intentions for the child and family. During this four-week intensive training, we connect with many Local Experts, listen to their stories, learn about their ministries—the successes and the challenges—and identify key change-makers impacting their communities.


Protecting children means stronger communities.

Loom works from the conviction that when the smallest and weakest in society are cared for, everyone benefits. In every country and community, that is the child.

Child well-being and development is the foundation for community and economic development, as capable children become the foundation for a healthy, prosperous and sustainable community. It is our belief that everyone from the Global Church, Governments, International Corporations, NGO’s, the community, the church and families are responsible to acknowledge and work toward each child thriving.

When we invest wisely in children and families, the following generation will contribute much more through their healthy and productive lives. Local Experts are starting schools, clinics, school sponsorship, after-school programs, parenting classes, vocational schools and social enterprise. Loom accelerates these local leaders to expand their impact and work towards sustainable change in which everyone can thrive.


Local Experts work with integrity and passion, bringing hope and change in their community—the place they know best. What they lack are resources, training and relationships with people who believe in them and give them tools to succeed on a much bigger scale.

Loom has identified the biggest roadblocks to success are:

  • a lack of training
  • a lack of financial sustainability
  • a lack of access to reliable infrastructure, such as energy, water, or clinics. 

To address these problems, Loom offers tailor-made solutions through capacity building and connections.

Why Connections?

Why are connections important? Take for example, a Local Expert starting a school for at-risk children, offering them the hope of an education. Before they know it, 40+ children are crammed on the floor in a tiny room. This is not sustainable and often, the conditions lead to disillusionment in Local Experts and children not receiving the quality education they need. 

We here at Loom cannot build a new classroom. We are not solar energy or job creation experts. But we do have access to people who are and can provide that much-needed connection for sustainable change. Whether it is through our own tools, or training in cooperation with other organizations, we will research and do the work to offer the Local Expert the right resources for their specific situation.

Why capacity-building?

Loom is convinced that the Local Expert knows more about their own context than we do. We accelerate them, because we believe in their ability to transform their community in lasting ways. Our greatest hope is that they have everything they need to successfully work without us. That is the heart of capacity-building. 


As our name suggests, we work internationally with Local Experts, resource people and investors all over the world.

In the next 5-7 years our strategic focus is investing in East Africa. Most of our thinking, planning, funding and relationship effort is going into strengthening the Local Experts here so that they can see a greater result from their efforts:


  • a greater number of children in schools
  • a greater number of children experiencing quality healthcare
  • a greater number of people with jobs and a living wage
  • more lay-social workers tracking with children and families
  • more churches actively involved with the vulnerable in their community.

Our belief is that these Local Experts will continue to transform their community without us.